Talking trees: Advice and support for managing tree health on-farm

Our lat­est pod­cast takes a deep­er dive into the roots of sup­port­ing tree health on-farm. Join Andrew Keyte , Farm Man­ag­er at LEAF Demon­stra­tion Farm, Ragley Home Farms, Dr Jake…

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The LEAF Sustainable Farming Review (LSFR) in the spotlight

In this episode, Elle Ver­coe-Gib­son, LEAF Mar­que Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Man­ag­er, dis­cuss­es the LEAF Sus­tain­able Farm­ing Review, how it works, what it deliv­ers for farm­ers, it’s role with­in an Inte­grat­ed Farm Management…

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SEAMS: Legacy and Outcomes

In this episode, we dis­cussed SEAMS (Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Edu­ca­tion and Agri­cul­ture using Mix­tures), a four-year project fund­ed by the Esme Fair­bairn Foun­da­tion and coor­di­nat­ed by the James Hut­ton Insti­tute, as…

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On the Marque: the latest version of the LEAF Marque Standard explained

Join Elle Ver­coe-Gib­son, LEAF’s Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Man­ag­er talk­ing about the lat­est changes to the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard, what they mean for grow­ers and future plans for the Standard.

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How LEAF works with Certification Bodies

Lucy Red­more, LEAF Assur­ance Man­ag­er explains how LEAF Mar­que works with Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Bod­ies and the role they play in LEAF’s mon­i­tor­ing and eval­u­a­tion pro­gramme. She also talks us through the…

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LEAF for the Future: Growing Education and Engaging Society

LEAF’s 10 year strate­gic direc­tion (20212031) builds on our core capa­bil­i­ties and strengths and deliv­ers against 8 com­mit­ments. In this series of pod­casts, LEAF Chief Exec­u­tive, Car­o­line Drum­mond explores each…

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Partnerships to deliver more climate positive farming

Lewis Davies, Group Envi­ron­men­tal and Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Man­ag­er at Wynnstay and Clare Mike, LEAF’s Direc­tor, Busi­ness Devel­op­ment dis­cuss part­ner­ships, peo­ple, projects and the LEAF mem­ber­ship offer.

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Growing LEAF Marque: listening, adapting, improving

Lucy Red­more, LEAF’s Assur­ance Man­ag­er dis­cuss­es how the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard is kept robust, rel­e­vant and rig­or­ous. Lucy out­lines the cur­rent LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard v16.0 draft pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion – how…

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Driving Sustainability: Trust, Transparency, Innovation & Partnership

Build­ing com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment is one of the key ele­ments of more inte­grat­ed, sus­tain­able farm­ing. We wel­come two of LEAF’s cor­po­rate mem­bers Saman­tha Bal­a­suriya from Botan­i­coir and Mark Davies from Agrovista…

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LEAF for the Future: Building Sustainable Food Chains

LEAF’s 10 year strate­gic direc­tion (20212031) builds on our core capa­bil­i­ties and strengths and deliv­ers against 8 com­mit­ments. In this series of pod­casts, LEAF Chief Exec­u­tive, Car­o­line Drum­mond explores each…

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