Driving Sustainability: Trust, Transparency, Innovation & Partnership

Build­ing com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment is one of the key ele­ments of more inte­grat­ed, sus­tain­able farm­ing. We wel­come two of LEAF’s cor­po­rate mem­bers Saman­tha Bal­a­suriya from Botan­i­coir and Mark Davies from Agro­vista and hear about Botan­i­coir’s work with com­mu­ni­ties in rur­al Sri Lan­ka and India to improve con­di­tions and pro­vide oppor­tu­ni­ties for local res­i­dents. We also explore with one of their UK part­ners, Agro­vista, how Botan­i­coir’s ethos feeds into their own busi­ness approach.

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