AgriCaptureCO2 - Duncan Farrington Case Study

As part of the AgricaptureCO2 project, Dun­can Far­ring­ton, from Bot­tom Farm in Northamp­ton­shire, shows us regen­er­a­tive farm­ing in prac­tice and dis­cuss­es his jour­ney to becom­ing cer­ti­fied as car­bon neu­tral by…

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Integrated Farm Management supports regenerative agriculture

For over 30 years, LEAF has been devel­op­ing and pro­mot­ing regen­er­a­tive agri­cul­tur­al prac­tices and out­comes through Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment (IFM). This video cov­ers the aspects of IFM that sup­port regenerative…

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An overview of LEAF and Consumer Behaviour

LEAF Tech­ni­cal Co-ordi­na­tor, Lucy Red­more, gives a pre­sen­ta­tion about the work of LEAF and its influ­ence on con­sumer behaviour.

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Resilient And Ready - Are you the next sustainable farming champion?

LEAF and Corte­va are look­ing for two for­ward-think­ing farm­ers to sup­port on a three year immer­sive and action-packed pro­gramme of train­ing, tech­ni­cal sup­port and men­tor­ing to adopt more sus­tain­able farming,…

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#FarmMyFood GCSE Activity Day - LEAF Education

#Far­m­My­Food which took place on Fri­day 21st June at Elve­den Estate, offered an immer­sive and inter­ac­tive day for 13 – 15 year olds to increase their inter­est and engage­ment in farm­ing, highlight…

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The Importance of Soil at Greenseed

Ralph Grind­ing Farm Man­ag­er at Col­lege Farm gives us some insight into how soil is man­aged through the imple­men­ta­tion of Inte­grat­ed Farm Management.

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IFM Field Event 2019 - The Economics of More Sustainable Farming

High­light video from LEAF’s IFM Field Event 2019. Spe­cial thanks to Cambs Farm Grow­ers Ltd and G’s for host­ing the day and also to all the speak­ers and vis­i­tors who…

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Video Case Study: Washingborough Academy

Jason O’Rourke, Head­teacher at Wash­ing­bor­ough Acad­e­my in Lin­colnshire talks about their links to the Face­time a Farmer project. This film was pro­duced for the Eras­mus+ fund­ed, Field to School international…

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Integrating Livestock into Arable at E W Davies

LEAF Demon­stra­tion farmer Jere­my Dur­rant shows us how they diver­si­fied their busi­ness to inte­grate live­stock into the arable oper­a­tions on the farm.

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On-farm nutrients at Rothamsted Research

Gain insight into on-farm nutri­ents at Rotham­st­ed Research with Chris Hodg­son, an Envi­ron­men­tal microbiologist.

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