LEAF Marque Board

The LEAF Marque Board is the statutory board for LEAF Marque Ltd a wholly owned subsidiary of LEAF the “charity”. The LEAF Marque Board works in close co-operation with the LEAF Board of Trustees, the LEAF Marque TAC (Technical Advisory Committee) and all other stakeholder groups within LEAF. It has its own Terms of Reference which are binding for the activities of the LEAF Marque Board.

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David Webster

David Web­ster

Chief Exec­u­tive


Tom Green

Tom Green

LEAF Mar­que Chairman


Angus Davison

Angus Davi­son

Chair­man, Hay­grove Ltd


Steve Jones

With pre­vi­ous exten­sive oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence in the pub­lic sec­tor (Armed Forces) and in the pri­vate sec­tor in out­door edu­ca­tion, I enjoy work­ing for LEAF as it has con­tin­ued to both evolve and grow, yet retains a very strong peo­ple-ori­ent­ed culture.

Clare Mike

I joined LEAF hav­ing spent 20 years in the food retail sup­ply chain, so farm­ing in its truest sense was a whole new expe­ri­ence for me. But I con­sid­er myself the luck­i­est per­son in the world being able to speak to farm­ers and grow­ers, indus­try actors and con­sumers every day, all in the quest of a world that is pro­duc­ing, eat­ing and liv­ing more sustainably.