LEAF Marque Standard Setting

LEAF Marque is an environmental assurance scheme, showing that food has been grown sustainably and with care for the environment. Here we take a look at the process of setting the LEAF Marque Standard.

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LEAF Marque standard setting

Your Feedback

Stakeholder engagement is a core part of LEAF Marque and we welcome feedback from all stakeholders on all areas including the LEAF Marque Standard, the Standard Setting Procedure and our Public Consultation Approach. If you have questions, feedback or suggestions about the LEAF Marque Standard, Standard Setting Procedure or Public Consultation Approach, please email [email protected].

Version 17.0

Every few years we review the LEAF Marque Standard to ensure it remains relevant. As industry practices and scientific understanding evolve over time, so our Standard needs to evolve too. Our Standard review is public and consistent with best practice codes and guidelines provided by ISEAL. It engages our members and stakeholders including academics, fellow NGO's, government, industry and members of the public throughout the process.

We are currently in the process of developing the next version of the LEAF Marque Standard (v17.0), and our second public consultation ran from 1st October 2024 until the 29th November 2024. LEAF Marque welcomes comments on the LEAF Marque Standard at any time and uses this to inform the development of the LEAF Marque Standard. Please feel free to contact us by emailing [email protected].

To reduce environmental impacts LEAF Marque documents are primarily available electronically. Hard copies of the LEAF Marque Standard (including previous versions) and other related materials are available on request at a reasonable handling fee: please contact [email protected].