Meet the team

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LEAF’s talented, multilingual, and diverse staff, with backgrounds in agriculture, education, corporate governance, assurance, communications and business, work in partnership with farmers, the food industry, scientists, and educators to meet our shared vision of a more sustainable and regenerative global farming and food system.

Executive Leadership Team:

David Webster

David Web­ster

Chief Exec­u­tive


Steve Jones

With pre­vi­ous exten­sive oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence in the pub­lic sec­tor (Armed Forces) and in the pri­vate sec­tor in out­door edu­ca­tion, I enjoy work­ing for LEAF as it has con­tin­ued to both evolve and grow, yet retains a very strong peo­ple-ori­ent­ed culture.

Carl Edwards

Com­ing from the edu­ca­tion sec­tor, I am pas­sion­ate about engag­ing with our future gen­er­a­tions and com­mu­ni­cat­ing effec­tive­ly with our wider soci­ety. Through expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing with a fact-based approach, it gives peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty to under­stand what our indus­try does to pro­vide sus­tain­able and nutri­tious food, and allows them to make informed deci­sions that ben­e­fit them and our planet.

Clare Mike

I joined LEAF hav­ing spent 20 years in the food retail sup­ply chain, so farm­ing in its truest sense was a whole new expe­ri­ence for me. But I con­sid­er myself the luck­i­est per­son in the world being able to speak to farm­ers and grow­ers, indus­try actors and con­sumers every day, all in the quest of a world that is pro­duc­ing, eat­ing and liv­ing more sustainably.


Dan Steven­son

Hav­ing a degree in Vet­eri­nary Sci­ence and work­ing as a farm ani­mal vet for near­ly 20 years I appre­ci­ate the chal­lenges faced by farm­ers at the sharp end of the indus­try and how farm­ing can pro­vide so many answers to today’s chal­lenges. My MSc in rumi­nant nutri­tion broad­ened my view and I’m excit­ed to be part of LEAF in sup­port­ing sus­tain­able food pro­duc­tion to the ben­e­fit of everyone.

Dawn Tev­er­son

I have worked with farm­ers in the UK and East Africa, in both hor­ti­cul­ture and live­stock. My par­tic­u­lar inter­ests are genet­ic resources and inte­grat­ed pest man­age­ment, work­ing at LEAF pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bine both in a whole farm approach to sustainability.

Ronan Mulcahy

Ronan Mulc­ahy

Train­ing Manager email hidden; JavaScript is required
Sophia Bradshaw

Sophia Brad­shaw

Tech­ni­cal Officer email hidden; JavaScript is required
Sarah MacAfee

Sarah MacAfee

Tech­ni­cal Officer email hidden; JavaScript is required

Dan Mitchell

Hav­ing com­plet­ed an MSc in Agroe­col­o­gy fol­low­ing years in the restau­rant indus­try, I am keen to facil­i­tate knowl­edge exchange and the uptake of sus­tain­able farm­ing prac­tices in a bid to increase health through­out the food sys­tem. I am inter­est­ed in all aspects of the food sys­tem, from begin­ning to end, and enjoy find­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to fos­ter con­nec­tions and encour­age nov­el practices.

Julie Clarke

Julie Clarke

Tech­ni­cal Admin Officer email hidden; JavaScript is required

LEAF Marque:

Phil Sken­tel­bery

With over 15 years in food & farm­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion in the organ­ic sec­tor, I joined the LEAF Mar­que team to work close­ly with the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion bod­ies who inspect and award cer­tifi­cates to farms; sup­port­ing and over­see­ing them deliv­er the robust, con­sis­tent, and high-qual­i­ty ser­vice which is vital to our farm­ers and stake­hold­ers. LEAF Mar­que brings togeth­er my pas­sion for sus­tain­ably pro­duced, good qual­i­ty food and the impor­tance of giv­ing con­sumers reas­sur­ance that their food is pro­duced in respon­si­ble way.

Angela Demetriou

Angela Demetri­ou

Mon­i­tor­ing & Eval­u­a­tion Manager email hidden; JavaScript is required

Abbey Hol­man

Orig­i­nal­ly from the Unit­ed States, I recent­ly com­plet­ed an MSc in Agroe­col­o­gy, Water and Food Sov­er­eign­ty here in the UK. Work­ing with an amaz­ing team at LEAF allows me to sup­port crit­i­cal tran­si­tions toward more sus­tain­able food and farm­ing systems.

Mol­lie Burns

Dri­ven by a pas­sion for pos­i­tive change, I pur­sued a BSc in Geog­ra­phy and an MSc in Agron­o­my. At LEAF, I have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work along­side like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als who are also ded­i­cat­ed to cre­at­ing a more sus­tain­able food and farm­ing system.

Alexandra Davies

Alexan­dra Davies

Stan­dards Set­ting & Impacts Coordinator email hidden; JavaScript is required

Har­ri­ette Miller

I hold a BA in Health and Social Pol­i­cy and an MSc in Food Secu­ri­ty from the Uni­ver­si­ty of War­wick. Work­ing at LEAF enables me to con­tribute to projects that sup­port the vital tran­si­tion to sus­tain­able food and farm­ing systems.

Hope Chapman

Hope Chap­man

Mon­i­tor­ing & Eval­u­a­tions Officer email hidden; JavaScript is required

Education & Public Engagement:

Annabel Shack­le­ton

I’m pas­sion­ate about sus­tain­able farm­ing and show­cas­ing the amaz­ing work farm­ers do, focus­ing on help­ing soci­ety to val­ue the food we eat and take action on cli­mate change. Wife. Mum. Love farm­ing, food and enjoy­ing the coun­try­side with friends and family!

Philip Adams

Work­ing for LEAF Edu­ca­tion gives me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bine my expe­ri­ence of 10 years work­ing in the edu­ca­tion sec­tor with my pas­sion for farm­ing and the coun­try­side. As an Assis­tant Head­teacher, I restruc­tured the whole school cur­ricu­lum to enable stu­dents to reach their full poten­tial regard­less of the bar­ri­ers they may face. With LEAF, I can help schools to nav­i­gate the pres­sures of the Nation­al Cur­ricu­lum whilst ensur­ing their stu­dents acquire a bal­anced and informed insight into food pro­duc­tion, farm­ing, the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and cli­mate change.

Fiona Rust

Fiona Rust

Edu­ca­tion Net­works & Part­ner­ship Manager email hidden; JavaScript is required

Jus­tine Hunt

I have many years of expe­ri­ence in a sup­port role in var­i­ous indus­tries, includ­ing NHS, tele­coms, asset finance and uni­ver­si­ty. Wife and moth­er to 2 daugh­ters. LEAF has a great team and I like the vari­ety that my role brings.

Jes­si­ca Madge

I grew up on an organ­ic dairy farm in the South­west of Eng­land and stud­ied agri­cul­ture at uni­ver­si­ty. It has encour­aged inter­est in regen­er­a­tive agri­cul­ture, farm edu­ca­tion pro­grammes and agroe­col­o­gy projects. Work­ing at LEAF has brought these inter­ests to light, and using these inter­ests in edu­cat­ing the future gen­er­a­tion about farm­ing and food pro­duc­tion. Sus­tain­abil­i­ty is a lead­ing fac­tor which is chang­ing the world, and with LEAF I can encour­age the next gen­er­a­tion to make con­scious choic­es when it comes to farm­ing and food.

Lisa Dunne

Lisa Dunne

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — South West email hidden; JavaScript is required
Faye Edwards

Faye Edwards

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — West Midlands email hidden; JavaScript is required
Anna Fryer

Anna Fry­er

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — Leicestershire email hidden; JavaScript is required
Bob­bie Harvey

Bob­bie Harvey

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — East Midlands email hidden; JavaScript is required
Jo Hatton

Jo Hat­ton

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — South Central email hidden; JavaScript is required
Eliz­a­beth Lake

Eliz­a­beth Lake

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — Central email hidden; JavaScript is required
Vicki McLaughlin

Vic­ki McLaughlin

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — East of England email hidden; JavaScript is required

Julie Neale

I have enjoyed many years work­ing as a class­room teacher, pro­vid­ing a cur­ricu­lum that is rel­e­vant, inclu­sive, diverse and impor­tant­ly, root­ed in real life. As an Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist, I am able to use this expe­ri­ence to engage, inspire and moti­vate learn­ers to con­tribute towards a sus­tain­able world for future generations.

Katy Pallas

Katy Pal­las

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — North West email hidden; JavaScript is required
Sam Wyman

Sam Wyman

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ist — North East email hidden; JavaScript is required

Business Development:

Sheri­da Walker

I stud­ied Busi­ness & Equine Stud­ies at Car­marthen Tech­ni­cal and Agri­cul­tur­al Col­lege and have enjoyed a var­ied career path as a Groom, Exec­u­tive Assis­tant and work­ing for FWAG sup­ply­ing Mem­ber­ship Ser­vices. I care deeply about the coun­try­side and the land­scape our farm­ers have cre­at­ed and work hard to man­age, deliv­er­ing a wide range of envi­ron­men­tal and rur­al com­mu­ni­ty ben­e­fits, and work­ing for LEAF gives me a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion of work involved in sus­tain­able and regen­er­a­tive farming.

Cal­lum Bennett

I grew up in rur­al Lin­colnshire and have always been pas­sion­ate about the coun­try­side and farm­ing. I recent­ly grad­u­at­ed from my master’s degree which fur­ther devel­oped my skills and inter­est in agri­cul­ture. LEAF gives me great oppor­tu­ni­ties to prac­ti­cal­ly apply this!

Nathan Deacon

Nathan Dea­con

Mem­ber­ship & Finance Coordinator email hidden; JavaScript is required

Pilar Pampin

I am an agron­o­mist from Uruguay, with a MSc. in Agroe­col­o­gy and I come from a farm­ing back­ground. I enjoy work­ing for LEAF as I share it’s ethos and it gives me the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow and learn daily.

Marketing & Communications:

Jus­tine Hards

I’ve worked at LEAF since the very begin­ning, right from when we were a tiny seed! It’s incred­i­ble to see what a huge, glob­al organ­i­sa­tion we are today. I love work­ing at LEAF for its vision and belief in a bet­ter world.

Ellie Knight

After study­ing pho­tog­ra­phy at uni­ver­si­ty, I nat­u­ral­ly pro­gressed into mar­ket­ing and graph­ic design. I love work­ing with­in such a sup­port­ive team at LEAF, it allows me to be cre­ative whilst being part of an organ­i­sa­tion that con­tin­u­al­ly strives to make a pos­i­tive impact.

Matthew Bradley

Joined LEAF with a wide vari­ety of video and media skills, hav­ing spe­cialised in film pro­duc­tion dur­ing uni­ver­si­ty, before broad­en­ing my skills in social media and graph­ic design. I have a keen inter­est in golf, hik­ing, and film.

Lucy Han­do

My prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence on farms (both in the UK and New Zealand) , along with a BSc (Hons) in Agri­cul­ture, has only con­firmed and dri­ven my pas­sion for agri­cul­ture and the envi­ron­ment. I am excit­ed to be part of shap­ing the future of farming.


Tere­sa Andrews

Wife, Mum and Granny! From a farm­ing back­ground with a pas­sion for sus­tain­abil­i­ty, nature, and wildlife. A keen gar­den­er who loves to cook and eat home grown pro­duce. I enjoy work­ing for LEAF as it allows me to work with a like­mind­ed team.

Kuljit Sumal

Kuljit Sumal

Finance Offi­cer


Jim Blumire

Jim Blu­mire



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