LEAF Education and Public Engagement

Working to engage, inspire and motivate young people and wider society to be conscious consumers who feel empowered to make decisions that ensures we have a world that is growing, eating, and living sustainably.

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LEAF Education, in partnership with our members, work to engage, inspire and motivate young people and wider society to be conscious consumers who feel empowered to make decisions that ensures we have a world that is growing, eating, and living sustainably. We work across the education and agricultural sectors to mobilise farmers and educators to bring food production, farming and the environment into a learning context and embed an appreciation of farming into everyday life.

Our members’ support delivers a huge impact on future generations


total number of children worked with on-farm and in-school last year


rated our work good or outstanding


teachers trained to teach about farming & food production

More On Our Impact

What we do


We pro­vide farm­ers with knowl­edge and sup­port to build their con­fi­dence and abil­i­ty to deliv­er edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ences includ­ing on-farm vis­its, in-class activ­i­ties and more.

- Accred­it­ed train­ing for farm­ers (CEVAS and CEVAS Plus)

- Region­al net­work­ing opportunities

- Con­tin­ued Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment (CPD) training

- Resources and activ­i­ties for farm visits

Find out more!

Young peo­ple

All of our work aims to inspire and edu­cate chil­dren and young peo­ple about food, farm­ing and the environment.

- Engag­ing activities

- Inspir­ing resources

- Expe­ri­en­tial farm visits

- In school workshops

- Pro­mot­ing future careers in the agri-food sector

Find out more!


LEAF Edu­ca­tion pro­vides train­ing and class­room resources to deliv­er the cur­ricu­lum through food and farm­ing experiences.

- Accred­it­ed Ini­tial Teacher Train­ing (ITT)

- Con­tin­ued Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment (CPD) training

- Key stage/­sub­ject-spe­cif­ic train­ing days

- Cur­ricu­lum-linked and exam spec­i­fi­ca­tion resources

Find out more!

How to sup­port our work

By becom­ing a LEAF Edu­ca­tion mem­ber you join over 5,000 like-mind­ed farm­ers, edu­ca­tors and busi­ness­es who sup­port our work of inspir­ing and edu­cat­ing the next gen­er­a­tion about farm­ing, food and the environment.

And, if you want to get involved your­self, mem­bers can access deep­er sup­port to walk you through the process of engag­ing direct­ly with schools, on and off the farm.

Mem­ber­ship options from £100/​year

See the ben­e­fits of membership