LEAF Speak Out Toolkit

LEAF’s new online communications toolkit has been launched. Written and developed by leading agricultural communications experts, it is packed full of easy-to-use guidance and resources, providing step by step support for farmers and researchers, helping them think about communications at every stage and providing guidance on best practice.

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‘With film­ing for a Chan­nel 4 broad­cast loom­ing I vis­it­ed the Speak Out web­site for help. The site was con­cise and easy to nav­i­gate around. It holds all the infor­ma­tion I need­ed on how to approach and han­dle such a task. After vis­it­ing the rel­e­vant sec­tions and access­ing the wealth of infor­ma­tion on the site I felt much more equipped and con­fi­dent to deal with a pre­sen­ter and pro­duc­tion crew. I found infor­ma­tion on how to pre­pare, how to present and how to get the mes­sage I want­ed across, which was invalu­able on the day. All the tech­niques, skills and tips I gath­ered from the Speak Out site made the whole expe­ri­ence much more enjoyable!’

Fay Johnson, Rectory Farm, Leicestershire

‘The web­site has a great toolk­it area that pro­vides a use­ful resource for top tips and ref­er­ence mate­ri­als for all of the areas cov­ered in the train­ing – it’s impos­si­ble to remem­ber every­thing! I cir­cu­lat­ed the web link to the whole of BBRO so the val­ue of the infor­ma­tion was shared wider than just those that attend­ed the training.’

Vicky Foster, Head, BBRO

‘We receive hun­dreds of vis­i­tors to the farms every year. So I am well used to speak­ing to groups large and small. Nev­er­the­less, you are nev­er to old to learn, espe­cial­ly when encour­aged to ​“see our­selves as oth­ers see – and hear – us”. I there­fore found the two Speak Out Train­ing Days I attend­ed invalu­able. They not only helped improve how we present our work to the many dif­fer­ent audi­ences we engage with at the Inno­va­tion Cen­tre. But I also found the hints and tips of great use when it came to film­ing a sto­ry for BBC Coun­try­file and con­tribut­ing to a num­ber of Radio 4 Farm­ing Today pieces in recent years.’

Davy McCracken, SRUC Kirkton & Auchtertye Farms and LEAF Innovation Centre, Crianlarich

‘What we learned from Speak Out was the impor­tance of paus­es, help­ing you to talk with peo­ple, instead of at them! We take lots of paus­es and allow peo­ple the space to ask the ques­tions they want to ask, rather than answer­ing ques­tions nobody asked. Our expe­ri­ence is that the pub­lic are not usu­al­ly both­ered about see­ing fan­cy pow­er-washed trac­tors and drills, they-re more inter­est­ed in how good a lamb’s life is or what the tags in their ears are for. Speak Out helped us with engag­ing the pub­lic on the impor­tance of British meat and know­ing how to share the right kind of infor­ma­tion with the pub­lic. Now we like to share three mes­sages, three times, in three dif­fer­ent ways, using sto­ries and anec­dotes that keep peo­ple inter­est­ed in the truth about farm­ing that we’re try­ing to get across.’

John Renner, livestock farmer at North Bellshill Farm in Northumberland (LEAF Demonstration Farm)

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