Your Feedback

Your feedback is important to LEAF to ensure that we continue to improve the services we offer. LEAF welcomes any feedback on any of LEAF’s activities and has a complaints procedure to issues are promptly identified and managed.

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How to submit a complaint

LEAF strives to give those who make a comment, complaint or enquiry about the work and activity of LEAF the charity a helpful response at the appropriate time. We respect everyone’s right to make a comment, complaint or enquiry and co-operate with any formal inquiry resulting from this. For LEAF Marque, the complaint will be reviewed, and any appropriate corrective action to the standards system, monitoring evaluation programme or assurance requirements taken when necessary. These are recorded in the complaints resolution log.

    If you would like to make a complaint, please follow the below procedure and fill out the complaints form. Once this is completed, it must be sent to [email protected] in order to submit a complaint.

    If you would like to provide feedback, but not in the form of a complaint, please send your comments to [email protected]. LEAF will ensure that all feedback is handled responsibly, professionally and in an impartial manner.

    LEAF Com­plaints Procedure

    This doc­u­ment sets out how to sub­mit a com­plaint and details what LEAF will do. 

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    What will LEAF do?

    LEAF treats all complaints in a confidential manner. LEAF will check whether the complaint is eligible and contact the person or organisation that submitted the case (the submitter) and, if relevant, the other party(s) involved. LEAF will respond within 5 working days to acknowledge your complaint. LEAF aims to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible upon receipt. Where a complaint needs more time, we will inform you of this and give an expected date of resolution. LEAF will investigate the complaint using all relevant information and take appropriate action.

    Resolved com­plaints

    LEAF will ensure that all enquiries, com­ments, ques­tions or com­plaints are han­dled respon­si­bly, pro­fes­sion­al­ly and in an impar­tial manner. 

    LEAF Mar­que Com­plaints Res­o­lu­tions Log

    Feedback on LEAF Marque System

    LEAF Marque welcomes comments on any aspect of the LEAF Marque System, including the LEAF Marque Standard and Standard Setting Procedure, Monitoring and Evaluation programme and Assurance system. If you have questions, feedback or suggestions about any component of the LEAF Marque System, please email [email protected].