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The Caroline Drummond Award - Celebrating and Communicating Farming Excellence. Bucksum proves small can be successful

Respect for nature and its pow­er to help grow nutri­tious and deli­cious food is at the heart of the approach of the sec­ond win­ner of the Car­o­line Drum­mond Cel­e­brat­ing and…

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Huntapac is the Tops for Net Zero Commitment

LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing) proud­ly announces Hunta­pac Pro­duce Ltd – one of the UK’s largest LEAF Mar­que cer­ti­fied car­rot and parsnip pro­duc­ers, will become its 41st Demon­stra­tion Farm.

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HSBC UK Launches Sustainability Farming Pathway For Businesses

Farm­ing busi­ness­es on the jour­ney to more sus­tain­able prac­tices can now receive dis­counts on loan fees as part of a new HSBC UK initiative.

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Increased public engagement secures greater turn out for Open Farm Sunday

Open Farm Sun­day 2024 has set a new bench­mark with an impres­sive surge in media reach and num­ber of vis­i­tors attend­ing this year’s event.

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The Caroline Drummond Award - Celebrating and Communicating Farming Excellence 2024

The search is on for the next recip­i­ent of The Car­o­line Drum­mond Award — Cel­e­brat­ing and Com­mu­ni­cat­ing Farm­ing Excel­lence. Sup­port­ed by The British Guild of Agri­cul­tur­al Jour­nal­ists, The Insti­tute of…

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Honorary President of LEAF, HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh, pays visit to see sustainable food and farming in action

Hon­orary Pres­i­dent of LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing), Her Roy­al High­ness The Duchess of Edin­burgh, vis­it­ed Jor­dans Cere­als today for a Farm to Bowl’ tour.

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Long-standing LEAF member Waitrose & Partners, unveils programme to accelerate nature-friendly farming plans for British farmers

Wait­rose & Part­ners have com­mit­ted to sup­port more than 2,000 of its British farm­ers to move to nature-friend­ly farm­ing prac­tices, help­ing to boost finan­cial resilience of farms in the long-term…

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Applications invited for The LEAF Caroline Drummond Scholarship for Innovation in Sustainability

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty inno­va­tors are being invit­ed to apply for The LEAF Car­o­line Drum­mond Schol­ar­ship for Inno­va­tion in Sustainability.

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Open Farm Sunday; 18 years in the making and open to all in 2024

This year Open Farm Sun­day cel­e­brates its 18th anniver­sary with a focus on encour­ag­ing more farm­ers to open their gates, tell their unique sto­ries and put farm­ing cen­tre stage.

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LEAF's Annual Conference 2024- What a Success!

Path­ways to Sus­tain­abil­i­ty – Scal­ing the Tran­si­tion of Glob­al Agriculture

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