
Here you can find many useful documents and articles about LEAF and IFM. If you are a member you can find more guidance in the LEAF Sustainable Farming Review and Information Centre by logging into MyLEAF.

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Six Sim­ple Steps to Regen­er­a­tive Agriculture

This book­let has been designed based on the prin­ci­ples of Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment (IFM) and high­lights six sim­ple steps to sup­port you in imple­ment­ing regen­er­a­tive agri­cul­tur­al prac­tices on farm.

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Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment: A guide

Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment: A guide pro­vides an overview and intro­duc­tion to LEAF’s Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment to LEAF Members.

View overview leaflet

LEAF Farm Boards

Our farm notice boards are a great way to com­mu­ni­cate pos­i­tive mes­sages about food, farm­ing and the countryside.

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LEAF Mar­que Standard

LEAF Mar­que is an envi­ron­men­tal assur­ance sys­tem recog­nis­ing sus­tain­able farmed prod­ucts. Learn more about the LEAF Mar­que Standard.

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LEAF Mar­que doc­u­ments and downloads

We have com­piled a use­ful col­lec­tion of LEAF Mar­que doc­u­ments and down­loads for your information.

Find Out More

Speak Out training

LEAF can organ­ise train­ing which is inter­ac­tive and fun and pro­vides the sup­port you need to put on a real­ly good farm vis­it. The train­ing can be bespoke and flex­i­ble but will cov­er the core ele­ments of activ­i­ties, health and safe­ty, plan­ning a route and oth­er spe­cial­ist areas such as web­sites and pod­casts if required.

Con­tact us to find out more

LEAF Sus­tain­able Farm­ing Review

The LEAF Sus­tain­able Farm­ing Review is a self-assess­ment on-line man­age­ment tool to help farm­ers farm more sus­tain­ably. It enables them to mon­i­tor their per­for­mance, iden­ti­fy strengths and weak­ness­es and set tar­gets for improve­ment across the whole farm.

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Open Farm Sun­day resources

Help­ing your vis­i­tors to under­stand where their food comes from and how it is pro­duced is so impor­tant. Our team at LEAF work with our spon­sors to ensure our host farm­ers have access to a range of free teach­ing resources about food and farm­ing. We’ve pulled togeth­er our top ideas for activ­i­ties to engage your vis­i­tors at your event on Open Farm Sunday.

Find Out More


We have a wide range of videos in our video library, cov­er­ing top­ics such as tech­ni­cal sub­jects, what LEAF Mar­que is, and even allow­ing you to catch up on the high­lights from our events.

Vis­it our video library

Join LEAF and get access to more use­ful resources and information

If you join LEAF you will have access to many more use­ful resources such as our IFM Bul­letin, LEAF Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre and LSFR Guidance.