LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming)

We connect. We build trust. We educate.

At LEAF, we promote and support more sustainable farming to create a resilient food & farming system for future generations.

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LEAF Con­fer­ence 2025: Prof­it, Risk & Transformation.

On the 6th Feb­ru­ary, we will bring togeth­er top indus­try thought lead­ers, aca­d­e­mics, and farm­ers to share the lat­est insights into glob­al per­spec­tives around cli­mate change adap­tion, and the role of agri-tech and the finan­cial ser­vices sec­tor in cre­at­ing the enabling con­di­tions for change.

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Become a mem­ber of LEAF

Join LEAF in sup­port­ing the indus­try to adopt more sus­tain­able farm­ing prac­tices and encour­age con­sumers to make more sus­tain­able food choices.

Become a member today

Upcoming Events

Get involved with our diverse range of events, from Education CPD events, technical farm tours to insightful online webinars.