
LEAF organise events throughout the year to debate, inform, educate and celebrate the work that goes into protecting the environment and agriculture.

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LEAF Mar­que Pub­lic Con­sul­ta­tion | Webinars

We want to ensure that the Stan­dard remains rig­or­ous, rel­e­vant and address­es the cur­rent con­text of the chal­lenges fac­ing farm­ers and grow­ers across the globe. Your views mat­ter to us and we wel­come your feed­back on Ver­sion 17.0 of the Standard.

As part of our sec­ond pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion, we are host­ing a series of webi­na­rs cov­er­ing a range of top­ics. Reg­is­ter now!

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SHOW­CASE Cov­er Crop Event

The event will focus on two main themes: cov­er crops (includ­ing species selec­tion, estab­lish­ment, main­te­nance, and ter­mi­na­tion) and the co-design of research between farm­ers and scientists.

22nd Novem­ber 2024

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Legumes: The Secret Ingre­di­ent for Health­i­er Soils and Busi­ness Success

Join us for an insight­ful webi­nar this Decem­ber, as we explore the pow­er­ful ben­e­fits of inte­grat­ing nov­el legume vari­eties onto farm and how they can improve busi­ness resilience.

Date: Tues­day 3rd December

Time: 12:00 — 13:00

Loca­tion: Online via Zoom

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LEAF Education Events

Farmer Train­ing & Events

If you’re a farmer or farm edu­ca­tor look­ing to start run­ning edu­ca­tion­al vis­its on your premis­es or want train­ing to improve what you can offer, LEAF Edu­ca­tion is here to help.

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Teacher Train­ing & CPD

With our accred­it­ed ITT and CPD cours­es, you’ll learn how to engage your pupils with the food and farm­ing sec­tors and how to run safe, cur­ricu­lum-linked activ­i­ties on a farm.

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