For Teachers & Educators

Engaging, inspiring, and motivating future generations.

Everything you need to deliver the National Curriculum and exam specifications through food and farming experiences – both on the farm and in classroom settings.

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We specialise in a bespoke approach to deliver experiential learning opportunities that have a deep and meaningful impact, raise young people’s aspirations, and ensure we are all better informed as a society about how our personal food choices can make a difference to sustainability and climate change.

LEAF Education provides society, especially young people, with the opportunity to visit a farm and see how their food is produced, whilst supporting educators and farmers in delivering high quality, memorable learning experiences that provide a balanced and informed insight into food production, farming, and the environment. Our role is to ensure that we have a future generation who are better informed than ever before, as future conscious consumers, decision makers, leaders, employees, and employers.

What we offer

Farm Vis­its

Expe­ri­ence first-hand expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties on farm. With our net­work of trained farm­ers, we can deliv­er, and help you plan and run safe, cur­ricu­lum-linked edu­ca­tion­al farm vis­its in your local area.

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Vir­tu­al Farm Visits

Some­times it is just not pos­si­ble to get your stu­dents phys­i­cal­ly out onto a farm. That is why our net­work of trained host farm­ers and edu­ca­tion spe­cial­ists can pro­vide vir­tu­al farm vis­its to enrich your class­room learning.

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In-School Ses­sions

As well as bring­ing your stu­dents to the farm, phys­i­cal­ly or vir­tu­al­ly, our team of edu­ca­tion­al spe­cial­ists can deliv­er Nation­al Cur­ricu­lum and exam spec­i­fi­ca­tion work­shops in school, enrich­ing sub­ject, and top­ic learning.

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Teacher Train­ing & CPD

We offer train­ing days for teach­ers to bring food, farm­ing, and the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment to life in the school cur­ricu­lum, includ­ing accred­it­ed ini­tial teacher train­ing (ITT) and var­i­ous CPD ses­sions cov­er­ing all key stages. We can also deliv­er bespoke train­ing, spe­cif­ic to your school’s require­ments either on farm or in school.

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Nation­al Competitions

Every year, our Nation­al Com­pe­ti­tions have a sig­nif­i­cant impact in open­ing young minds to why farm­ing mat­ters and what farm­ing deliv­ers, as well as issues around health, well­be­ing, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, cli­mate change and career oppor­tu­ni­ties in the agri-food industry.

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Demon­stra­tion Schools

An ini­tia­tive to recog­nise pio­neer­ing schools which use farm­ing, food pro­duc­tion and the nat­ur­al envi­ron­ment top­ics with­in its cur­ricu­lum work­ing direct­ly with LEAF Edu­ca­tion Specialists.

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Free class­room resources

We pro­vide class­room resources through Coun­try­side Class­room, a data­base of free teach­ing resources that’s search­able by key­word, key stage and subject.

Access our resources

Get in touch

Want to discuss bespoke training? Need help navigating our resources? Just want to know how to get started? Our team is here to help.

LEAF Education Specialists

Our team of LEAF Education Specialists cover the whole of England and Wales and are here to support you.

Regional knowledge and expertise about what’s available in your area

Access to a wide regional network of teachers and farmers

Large portfolio of tried-and-tested learning content

Detailed knowledge of the education system, the curriculum and teacher training / CPD

Tailored, independent advice to help build activities and programmes that suit your school

100% of teachers rate our work as good or outstanding

100% of teachers would recommend our CPD training to colleagues and educators.

“They were buzzing in the minibus on the way back to school!” KS4 teacher

“Simply farm-a-zing! The children have excelled in this environment, showing enthusiasm and appreciation for cooking and farming. I am sure they will have made memories to last a lifetime!” KS2 teacher

“I think if everyone made a positive change in their lives, then our personal food choices would make a difference to climate change and sustainability.” KS3 student