For Farmers & Businesses

Learn how you can join in to equip future gen­er­a­tions with bal­anced and informed insight into food pro­duc­tion, farm­ing and the environment.

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Hundreds of farmers are already involved in engaging, inspiring and moti­vating young peo­ple through expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing, including on-farm and in-classroom activities, to embed an appreciation of British farming into everyday life.

Join us in our work to equip our future gen­er­a­tions with bal­anced and informed insight into food pro­duc­tion, farm­ing and the environment. We give you the knowledge and support you need to get started, even if you've never worked with young people before.

What we offer

How to get started

There are many ways to con­nect your farm with the class­room and help chil­dren expe­ri­ence food, farm­ing and the coun­try­side and we can help get you start­ed with low com­mit­ment first steps. Whether you’re com­plete­ly new or are look­ing for fresh ideas, LEAF Edu­ca­tion is here to help with what­ev­er type of activ­i­ty you choose.

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Train­ing & Events

LEAF Edu­ca­tion pro­vides train­ing to pre­pare you to deliv­er high-qual­i­ty, safe farm vis­its. From ensur­ing safe­ty to design­ing the expe­ri­ence, our train­ing and resources give you the tools and knowl­edge to pro­vide excel­lent edu­ca­tion­al expe­ri­ences on the farm.

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Mem­ber­ship & networking

By becom­ing a LEAF Edu­ca­tion mem­ber you join thou­sands of like-mind­ed farm­ers who want to access deep­er sup­port to engage with schools both on and off the farm. We direct­ly sup­port mem­bers to con­nect with schools and pro­vide train­ing to expand what you can do.

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