LEAF supports the industry to adopt more sustainable farming practices and encourage consumers to make more sustainable food choices.

Home / Join LEAF

Once you have registered you have the option to pay online for your LEAF charity membership. Our online payment services are provided by WorldPay. You can pay by any of the cards listed below and you can also find out more about our payment and refund conditions.


Join LEAF and be part of a com­mon sense future for agri­cul­ture. Mem­ber­ship to LEAF helps you improve your envi­ron­men­tal and busi­ness per­for­mance and take pride and prof­it from pro­duc­ing food while car­ing for the coun­try­side. Sin­gle farm mem­ber­ship based on 6 cat­e­gories depen­dent on farm size, includ­ing mul­ti­ple site enter­pris­es that are man­aged as one business.

Pro­duc­er Groups and Option 1 Mul­ti-Sites please email: [email protected]


Mem­ber­ship to LEAF pro­vides our Cor­po­rate mem­bers with a live­ly forum where they can learn more about Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment (IFM) and sus­tain­able futures, share ideas and devel­op their Cor­po­rate Social Respon­si­bil­i­ty (CSR) poli­cies on food pro­duc­tion and coun­try­side care. You can get involved in aspects of pro­mo­tion of IFM and the LEAF Mar­que sup­ply chains. Sub­scrip­tion lev­els based on 4 rates depen­dent on num­ber of employ­ees. Farm­ing Com­pa­nies can join as cor­po­rate mem­bers and will receive all the same ben­e­fits as cor­po­rate and farmer mem­bers. If you wish to dis­cuss cor­po­rate mem­ber­ship con­tact LEAF.


It is vital that our future man­agers and tech­ni­cians under­stand how they can best pro­duce the food the world needs to grow to feed our­selves in the future. We can work with col­leges to achieve this through pro­vid­ing train­ing mate­r­i­al, farm vis­its and pro­vid­ing tech­ni­cal mate­r­i­al for stu­dents and staff.

Adviser or Consultant

Advi­sors and con­sul­tants can join LEAF and sup­port IFM and our work. Through mem­ber­ship they can have access to their clients mem­ber­ship, access the LEAF Sus­tain­able Farm­ing Review, keep up to date with IFM and LEAF’s activ­i­ties. This can be a way of pro­mot­ing your ser­vices to our LEAF members.

LEAF Marque Buyer and Seller

Buy­ers and Sell­ers mem­ber­ship is for com­pa­nies in the food sec­tor such as whole­salers, dis­trib­u­tors, pack­ers, proces­sors, restau­rants and cafes who buy and sell LEAF Mar­que cer­ti­fied prod­ucts. As a LEAF Mar­que Buy­er & Sell­er, you will be able to make a LEAF Mar­que Claim as part of Claims & Labelling, and have access to the LEAF Mar­que Check­er which enables check­ing of LEAF Mar­que cer­ti­fied busi­ness­es sta­tus and pro­duc­tion information.

Equivalence Member

This LEAF Mem­ber­ship type has been cre­at­ed for pro­duc­ers cer­ti­fied to a stan­dard which has been for­mal­ly recog­nised as equiv­a­lent to LEAF Mar­que. See our bench­mark­ing & equiv­a­lence page for details of which stan­dards this applies to.

LEAF Education - Farmer/Educator

In addi­tion to sup­port­ing our work, as a Farmer and Edu­ca­tor mem­ber you will be intro­duced to a thriv­ing net­work of like-mind­ed peo­ple. We can help you to begin or enhance school vis­its to your farm or loca­tion; we can sup­port you in cre­at­ing con­nec­tions with local schools; and build your con­fi­dence to become a friend and vis­i­tor to the school, offer­ing your exper­tise and enthu­si­asm about food and farming.

LEAF Education - Corporate

Mem­ber­ship of LEAF Edu­ca­tion offers you a devel­op­ing rela­tion­ship with an organ­i­sa­tion that shares your ideals and aspi­ra­tions. As a mem­ber, you are sup­port­ing us to do our vital work with school com­mu­ni­ties to help chil­dren and young adults under­stand the con­nec­tion between farm­ing and their dai­ly lives.

LEAF Friend

Become a LEAF Friend today. Your dona­tion helps LEAF:

• Deliv­er envi­ron­men­tal­ly sus­tain­able food and farming

• Invite fam­i­lies to vis­it farms on LEAF Open Farm Sunday

• Con­nect chil­dren with farm­ing, food pro­duc­tion and nature

• Build knowl­edge and co-ordi­­nate research

• Devel­op LEAF Demon­stra­tion Farms

Become a LEAF Edu­ca­tion Friend

Con­nect­ing chil­dren to farms, food and nature — become a LEAF Edu­ca­tion Friend to donate and direct­ly sup­port our work. 

Donate now

See how to structure your membership for multiple sites and farms.