Nitrogen Efficient Plants for Climate Smart Arable Cropping Systems (NCS)

A four-year, ground-breaking industry led research project tapping into the potential of pulses and legumes to address the current climate crisis.

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The Power of Pulses

We are delighted to be one of 17 partners involved in this four-year, industry led research project. The bold and ambitious twin aims of the project will tap into the huge potential of pulses and legumes to address the climate crisis.

The research project will support farmers in reducing agricultural emissions by increasing pulse cropping in arable rotations and substituting 50% of imported soya meal used in feed with more climate-friendly home-grown pulses and legumes.

Become a Pulse Pioneer

The first stage of the project will involve giving 200 UK farmers direct support to establish their business’ carbon baseline, using the Farm Carbon Toolkit. The GHG emissions from these farms will then be tracked throughout the project and will form a fundamental part of the dataset.

Following this, the leading innovators amongst them will then be paid to work with scientists to co-design crop and feeding trials to carry out on their farms. These ‘Pulse Pioneers’ will explore ways and means for soils to thrive, crop yields to build and livestock productivity to flourish, through better use and marketing of home-grown pulses and legumes.

The on-farm progress will be based on cutting-edge technologies and farming systems, incorporating some of the latest research and innovations from leading UK institutes and tech companies.

How do I get involved?

We are on the search for farmers to be part of this exciting journey to accelerate the pace of change.

If you are passionate about pulses and would like to find out more about this exciting 4-year project and how to get involved, visit the project webpage and sign up to Pulse PEP (the farmer-led community helping to achieve the best from pulse crops and reduce carbon emissions).

Look out for some exciting events across the year too!