Win a day out with King Jr.® and LEAF Education!

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You're one step closer to winning a free farm visit for your child and their classmates!

Delivered to you by LEAF Education, the leading farming education charity, in partnership with Burger King King Jr.®

All T&Cs can be found here or below at the bottom of the page.

Farm visits are an exciting opportunity to see first-hand how your food is grown and reared, as well as showing how farmers manage their land sustainably to encourage wildlife and protect the environment.

Farm visits are an enriching, learning experience, helping us to connect where our food comes from as well as understanding our food choices.

With our network of highly skilled LEAF Regional Education Consultants (all qualified teachers and lecturers), we will get in touch with your child’s school using the information you provide, to confirm if they are 1 of the 20 lucky classes who have won a farm visit.

The LEAF Education team have a wealth of experience working with children and teachers for over 20 years, and we will use this experience to plan and run a safe, fun and curriculum linked farm visit. Each visit will be tailored to the school we are working with but will have a focus on the natural environment and biodiversity on the farm.

Pre-Vis­it Activities

A pre-vis­it to the farm is a vital part of plan­ning the vis­it, and teach­ers must car­ry one out. Often these are only for around 1 hour and can be com­plet­ed before, dur­ing or after school.

It is impor­tant for the teacher to dis­cuss the activ­i­ties that will be tak­ing place, check rel­e­vance to the school’s cur­ricu­lum, and review the health and safe­ty require­ments to ensure a safe and high-qual­i­ty farm vis­it for all who attend.

On The Day

Well planned and deliv­ered out­door learn­ing expe­ri­ences are of great val­ue to chil­dren in so many ways. 

The focus on cur­ricu­lum deliv­ery is often the ini­tial dri­ver for a vis­it, but the ben­e­fits to phys­i­cal and men­tal well­be­ing from just being in the coun­try­side should nev­er be under­es­ti­mat­ed, as well as the expe­ri­ence of just doing some­thing different!

Post-Vis­it Activities

Dur­ing the vis­it, teach­ers might like to con­sid­er what infor­ma­tion pupils can gath­er to use back in the class­room. If the farm vis­it forms part of an ongo­ing top­ic, teach­ers can think about how the days vis­it can be the inspi­ra­tion for a range of cur­ricu­lum tasks back in the classroom. 

Can the class con­tin­ue the link with the farmer beyond the vis­it so that the chil­dren learn about the farm through the seasons?

Terms & Conditions:

  • The prize is for one class (up to 34 pupils)
  • £500 towards cost of transport is provided. Anything above this is at the school’s own expense.
  • Visits will only go ahead on the completion of a pre-visit.
  • Whilst we will do everything to find a farm as close to your school as possible, please note that some travel might be expected, we will keep this under 1 hour wherever possible.
  • The farm visit is to be taken before 1st September 2023.
  • Parents/Guardians will enter on behalf of their child’s school, but must seek permission from a teacher at the school and provide their contact details as the point of contact should the prize be won.
  • The prize is suited for EYFS and Key Stage 1 pupils (ages 4 – 7) but can also be delivered with Key Stage 2.
  • Our latest GDPR and Safeguarding Policies can be found here: https://leaf.eco/privacy-policy