Our Impact

LEAF Education members, partners and supporters have a huge impact by enabling our work to engage and educate future generations and through direct involvement with schools.

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LEAF Education, in partnership with our members, works to inspire and educate future generations about food, farming and the countryside. We work across the education, farming and food sectors to mobilise farmers and educators to bring farming into a learning context.

For a more in-depth look at our impacts see our 2023 report:


young people benefitted from our work in 2023


total hours worked with young people

We continue reaching out to young people and working with schools with a focus on secondary school engagement, especially with GCSE students and those interested in land-based colleges.

"The agri-food industry is the backbone of our society."

- Year 10 student

“I learnt lots about how I can support young people and wildlife, and connecting this to stewardship and sustainable farming initiatives. Thank you”

- Farmer

"Teaching our young people about where their food comes from and the work that farmers do is vital. Vital for promoting sustainability, reducing food miles, eating seasonally, and protecting our food security.”

- Donna Ashlee, Vice Principal, LEAF Education Gold Demonstration School

How we do it

With your support

5,000 farmer, edu­ca­tor and organ­i­sa­tion­al mem­bers sup­port our work. Their con­tri­bu­tions ampli­fy our impact and allow us to cre­ate resources for edu­ca­tors, deliv­er learn­ing expe­ri­ences and enthuse young peo­ple about farm­ing and career opportunities.

Mobil­is­ing farm­ers & educators

Many mem­bers choose to get involved direct­ly. We pro­vide train­ing, direct sup­port and oth­er resources to help teach­ers bring the coun­try­side and class­room togeth­er, and we sup­port farm­ers to work with schools direct­ly to pro­vide on-farm and in-class expe­ri­ences that con­nect chil­dren and young peo­ple to the world of food and farming.

Case studies