Host Farm Visits

If you’re looking to start running school visits on your farm or want to improve what you can offer, LEAF Education is here to help.

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Knowing how to start hosting educational visits on your farm can be daunting but we’re here to help. From ensuring safety to designing the experiences, our resources and training give you the tools and knowledge you need to provide excellent educational experiences on the farm.

Our training materials, courses, tailored advice and support will help get you started, expand what you can offer, build your confidence and ensure you’re ready to host visits that inspire the next generation. Plus, LEAF Education offers a number of ways to test the waters and develop your skills before taking the leap to hosting full farm visits.

“Our resources and training give you the tools and knowledge to start providing excellent educational experiences on the farm.”

What LEAF Education can teach you about farm visits

How to get started with hosting children & young people on your farm

Key things you need to think about

Plan talks gauged at the right level for any age group

Prepare for those awkward questions

Tailor visits to different school age children or to a variety of care farming clients

Prepare risk assessments

Practical considerations such as hygiene, managing pupils and working with teachers

How to get started with farm visits

Other resources

LEAF Edu­ca­tion Specialists

Our expert LEAF Edu­ca­tion Spe­cial­ists can deliv­er train­ing, con­nect with schools and part­ner and pro­vide sup­port as you explore how to get involved.

Find your local LEAF Education Specialist

Code of Practice

Every year, mil­lions of peo­ple inter­act with ani­mals on premis­es likes yours. The Code of Prac­tice has been pro­duced by the indus­try and pro­vides guid­ance for own­ers, oper­a­tors and man­agers of such premises.

Learn more

Coun­try­side Classroom

Although this is aimed at teach­ers, it con­tains a great deal of infor­ma­tion in the form of resources, places to vis­it and peo­ple to ask with regard to food, farm­ing and the coun­try­side. Once you are estab­lished, you can reg­is­ter your loca­tion for free on the Coun­try­side Class­room website.

Visit Countryside Classroom