Cambs Farms Growers Ltd.

Cambs Farms Growers Ltd (CFGL) is a family-owned business farming in excess of 5,000 hectares of land in East Anglia. CFGL are a specialist conventional and organic field-grown salad and vegetable producer with over sixty years’ experience.

Home / Cambs Farms Growers Ltd.

Grower: Charles Shropshire

Address: Hainey Farm, Barway Road, Barway, Ely, Cambs, CB7 5TZ

Website: www.gs-growers.com/growers_profiles/cambs-farms-growers-ltd/

Member since 1997 and LEAF Demonstration Farm since 2000


  • LEAF Marque
  • Organic

The Farm

Cambs Farms Growers Ltd (CFGL) is a family-owned business in excess of 5,000 ha producing conventional and organic field-grown salad and vegetables. Conventional cropping consists of bulb onions, Little Gem and Iceberg lettuce, celery, potatoes and sugar beet. Organic crops include lettuces, celery, bulb onions, beetroot and wheat. Over 170 million heads of celery and leafy salad crops are supplied from May to October, all of which is cut and packed in the field. Over 20,000 tonnes of onions are harvested and stored for supply from August through to May.

As part of the crop rotation, maize is grown and is used to feed a 2.5KMW aerobic digester, along with waste from beets and onions. This produces bio-methane which generates electricity to power their mushroom farm, with the excess being fed to the National Grid.


The Fenlands are an important bedrock to the farming business and, as such, great value is placed on the preservation and development of soils and the wildlife and fauna which contribute so much to this diverse environment. CFGL joined the Countryside Stewardship Scheme in 2017 with two higher tier and two mid-tier agreements lasting for 5 years. 10% of CFGL holdings are dedicated to conservation and managed for wildlife. 53 hectares of wild bird seed mixes, both cereal and brassica, have been sown for winter food and summer pollinators and is supplemented by 17.5 tonnes of winter feed. The farm comprises of 56 hectares of flower meadows and nectar enhanced borders, 60 hectares of permanent grassland, with 6 hectares of lapwing plots and 6 hectares of Turtle dove feeding sites and nesting habitat. Wetland and reedbed areas have been created and are managed to encourage breeding waders; nest boxes have also been installed to provide homes for Tree Sparrow, bats and Barn Owls. CFGL’s aim is to enhance its sustainable farming operation through IFM by increasing the biodiversity of the ecosystems within the agricultural land base.

Cambs Farms Growers Ltd is also a M&S Demonstration Farm.

The farm hosts visits for schools, colleges, universities, agricultural and conservation groups and LEAF Open Farm Sunday has been held on the farm for nine years.

About LEAF Demonstration Farms

LEAF Demonstration Farms are commercial farms, which show the beneficial practices of Integrated Farm Management (IFM) to a broad range of audiences, through organised visits. They communicate an understanding of IFM in order to encourage uptake by farmers, support from the industry and political awareness of sustainable food and farming.

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