LEAF Conference 2025

Profit, Risk & Transformation: Global perspectives around climate change adaption, the role of agri-tech and finance to create the enabling conditions for change.

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The LEAF Conference 2025 brought together industry leaders, academics, farmers and financial experts to address the urgent challenges of sustainable farming in the face of climate change; and the interventions that are most likely to facilitate transformation across the whole food system.

With a strong focus on practical, farmer led solutions, the event explored the lat­est insights into glob­al per­spec­tives around cli­mate change adap­tion, the role of agri-tech and the finan­cial ser­vices sec­tor in cre­at­ing the enabling con­di­tions for change.

Delivering the opening address LEAF CEO David Webster reflected on the nature of the environmental risks facing farming, including the impact of climate change. He called for a mature debate stating that:

“We need to listen carefully to those who are already delivering environmental and productivity gains on farms as a basis to shape our approach which will balance environmental and food security outcomes. It's also important to remember that global challenges require local solutions.
We have to work with the supply chain actors to harness the knowledge and expertise of farmers operating in partnership with others to build farm resilience and economic and environmental benefits.”

The conference concluded with a call to action for increased industry collaboration and financial support to accelerate the transition to climate-smart agriculture.

Highlights Video

“Breaking down the barriers to technology adoption is key.

Once we do that, the sky’s the limit.”

- Lucy Tyler, Kingsplay Farming Co Ltd.

“The single most important point about protecting nature is ‘where’.

Where are the most imperative areas across the globe we need to invest in protecting?”

- Douglas Gurr, Director, The Natural History Museum

Livestream Recording

"We need to work together on agriculture, energy, refrigeration, transportation & packaging."

- Sarah Bradbury, CEO, Institute of Grocery Distribution

"How do we collaborate whilst completely recognising that farm businesses belong to farmers?"

- Grace O'Dwyer, Interim Head of Agricultural Banking UK, HSBC

"Keep farming and keep talking."

- Cedric Porter, LEAF Vice-Chairman