Measuring our impact: proving and improving

LEAF Marque certification helps farm businesses become more sustainable. It is an important driver for change. Gaining insight into the impact LEAF Marque certification is having on delivering more sustainable farming is critical for the continuous improvement of our standards.

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So we can assess the effectiveness of our work and be certain that it is advancing environmental change, we commission independent research studies to evaluate our impact. The findings of these studies provide vital insights which we use to revise and adapt the LEAF Marque assurance system. This leads to better results of our work, for the benefit of all LEAF Marque certified businesses.

Commissioned studies

Here you can find an impact study into the benefits of LEAF Marque certification, commissioned by LEAF and carried out by the Countryside and Community Research Institute. Download the full report, summary report, read LEAF’s response or get a quick overview of the report highlights.

Tell us what you think

Do you have questions or comments about LEAF's evaluation reports? We’d like to hear them. Please contact us: [email protected]