LEAF's policy on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)

LEAF recognises the importance of modern biotechnology and developments such as GMO's. The potential benefits to farmers and consumers need to be weighed against the alleged risks. Risk management is thus paramount to the decisions being made and as the jury is still out; LEAF will continue to monitor developments. However there are several - areas that cannot be neglected.

LEAF's policy on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s)

• LEAF recognises the importance of modern biotechnology and developments such as GMO's. The potential benefits to farmers and consumers need to be weighed against the alleged risks. Risk management is thus paramount to the decisions being made and as the jury is still out; LEAF will continue to monitor developments.

However there are several - areas that cannot be neglected.

• GMO's are not an alternative to good husbandry practices and Integrated Farm Management (IFM) and these systems must not be compromised. Rotations, safe use of inputs, cultivation choice, variety choice, good record keeping and management systems such as those advocated by LEAF are essential.

Therefore at this stage of the debate:

• LEAF supports the need for segregation and labeling of GMO's throughout the food chain and at the point of sale to the final consumer.

• LEAF believes that each GMO should be considered on its individual merit.

• Environmental issues remain a primary consideration with regard to regulation, release and management of GMO's.

To view the full statement click here.

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