LEAF in Action - Flower Power

Bloom­ing mar­vel­lous is the scene in LEAF Mar­que farmer Matthew Naylor’s fields in Lin­colnshire. Firm­ly focused on farm­ing flow­ers, and oth­er crops, to LEAF prin­ci­ples under the big skies of Lin­colnshire, Matthew also sees the big­ger pic­ture and the rel­e­vance of LEAF in oth­er parts of the world as well. Deep amongst the del­phini­ums, Susie Emmett hears about Matthew’s farm­ing approach and also reports from the fields of small­er scale farm­ers in Kenya. Farm­ing to LEAF Mar­que stan­dards in order to sup­ply Wait­rose is just the busi­ness they need to secure their farm­ing future and that of their community.

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