Claims & Labelling

Claims & Labelling will be effective from the 1st January 2020. This is a mechanism to ensure robustness of the LEAF Marque System by regulating the certification claims that are made. Claims & Labelling replaces Chain of Custody, the requirements for which have been removed from the LEAF Marque Standard v15.0.

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Businesses have until the 30th September 2020 to implement Claims & Labelling in the appropriate way for their business. Claims & Labelling Licence Application can be accessed from myLEAF; My Services > LEAF Marque Claims & Labelling. LEAF Marque will continue to monitor LEAF Marque claims until this date to ensure they are made appropriately.

There are five documents that provide information on the process and requirements of Claims & Labelling.

To understand the changes to Claims & Labelling and how it affects you, the first step is to determine whether you are the appropriate Licence Holder for where a LEAF Marque claim is being made. Please review the Guidance Document for more information.

If you are not the appropriate Licence Holder, it may still be relevant to review the LEAF Brand Guidelines. This outlines the rules and requirements for any communications about LEAF Marque.

If you are the appropriate Licence Holder, the Guidance Document will provide further information on the process of obtaining a Claims & Labelling Licence. You should also review the Licence Agreement and LEAF Marque Claim Rules to ensure you understand the Claims & Labelling requirements and regulations on the claims you can make.

If you have any queries about Claims & Labelling, Chain of Custody, and how this applies to your business, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please contact us (email: [email protected], phone: +44(0) 2476 413911)

If you notice any potential misuse or misrepresentation of LEAF Marque claims, please report this to LEAF Marque (email: [email protected], phone: +44 (0)2476 413911). Please include as much information as possible, or any evidence if it is available (e.g. photos of packaging, website claims, shop stalls).

LEAF Mar­que Tracker

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion data is an impor­tant aspect of ensur­ing LEAF Mar­que claims are robust and appro­pri­ate. LEAF Char­i­ty Mem­bers can utilise the LEAF Mar­que Check­er, which pro­vides access to live cer­ti­fi­ca­tion data. LEAF Char­i­ty Mem­bers can search for a business’s name, post­code, LEAF Mar­que num­ber, or enter­prise, and access real-time infor­ma­tion on the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion sta­tus of LEAF Mar­que businesses.

LEAF Char­i­ty mem­bers also have access to addi­tion­al data ser­vices, includ­ing the LEAF Mar­que Track­er. This is a ser­vice that sends updates on a pre-select­ed group of LEAF Mar­que cer­ti­fied busi­ness­es, pro­vid­ing up-to-date infor­ma­tion with­out the need to search for indi­vid­ual mem­bers. This ser­vice costs £250 per year and can com­ple­ment a busi­ness’ exist­ing trace­abil­i­ty and sourc­ing require­ment checks. For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the LEAF Mar­que Track­er, log onto your myLEAF account, select Ser­vice Upgrades’, and go to Track LEAF Mar­que Assurance’.

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Ques­tions and Answers

Got a ques­tion about Claims & labelling? We may have an answer for you in our FAQs!

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Claims and Labelling deci­sion tree

Fol­low our sim­ple to under­stand deci­sion tree to help you under­stand if you are the appro­pri­ate Licence Hold­er and if you must obtain a Claims & Labelling Licence.

See here

Case studies