The LEAF Marque Standard

Access the LEAF Marque Standard v16.1 & relating documents.

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LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard Ver­sion 16.1

The LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard v16.1 is now effec­tive, as of 1st Sep­tem­ber 2023.

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Here you can find the LEAF Marque Standard v16.1 in Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese.

(The English version of the Standard is the definitive version and therefore any issues of interpretation from other translations need to be referred to the English version).

Changes to LEAF Mar­que Approved Base­line Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion Systems

Fol­low­ing con­sul­ta­tion with our Tech­ni­cal Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee, pro­duc­ers will now no longer be required to have a base­line cer­tifi­cate for all prod­ucts on their farm. 

You can view the amend­ments in the new iter­a­tion of the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard, as well as our handy Brief­ing Doc­u­ment for Pro­duc­ers here.

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LEAF Product List

From the 1st January 2020, all LEAF Marque certificates will list the business’ LEAF Marque certified products. Businesses must list all their products when completing the LEAF Sustainable Farming Review or editing LEAF Charity Membership Information. During a LEAF Marque Audit, this information will be verified by auditors (see LEAF Marque Standard v16.1: Control Point 1.3).

For information on the products eligible for LEAF Marque certification, and the product codes, see the LEAF Product List.

Obtaining stakeholder feedback is an essential process in revising the LEAF Marque Standard, and public consultation plays an important part. For the LEAF Marque Standard v16.0 Draft, public consultation ran from November 2021 to January 2022. For a synopsis of the feedback received and response by LEAF Marque, please see the Public Consultation Synopsis. We welcome feedback on the LEAF Marque Standard at any time, please get in touch with our Standards & Impacts Manager at [email protected].

To reduce environmental impacts, our documents are primarily available electronically. Hard copies of the LEAF Marque Standard and other related materials are available on request at a reasonable handling fee, please contact: [email protected]

Set­ting the LEAF Mar­que Standard

Learn more about how we set the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard, and ways that you can get involved in the process, includ­ing giv­ing feedback. 

We wel­come any feed­back, com­ments or ques­tions on any aspect of the LEAF Mar­que Sys­tem, includ­ing the Stan­dard, at all times. 

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Claims & Labelling

A Claims & Labelling Licence is need­ed for each prod­uct in which a LEAF Mar­que claim is made. A LEAF Mar­que claim is any com­bi­na­tion of the use of the LEAF Mar­que logo and/​or a sus­tain­abil­i­ty claim used to set apart and pro­mote a prod­uct, process, busi­ness or ser­vice that is based on achieve­ment of LEAF Mar­que certification.

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