LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming)

We connect. We build trust. We educate.

At LEAF, we promote and support more sustainable farming to create a resilient food & farming system for future generations.

Read our Annual Review.

Our annual review celebrates the impact our work had in 2024, whilst recognising the many organisations and individuals we work in partnership with to help achieve our purpose.

Open Farm Sunday - get involved!

Farming's annual open day, LEAF's Open Farm Sunday connects the public with the farming community, to discover the crucial work farmers do to produce food, nurture nature and protect the environment for future generations. On the 8th June 2025, open up your farm, volunteer, or visit a farm, and discover the magic of OFS for yourself!

Latest News

Become a mem­ber of LEAF

Join LEAF in sup­port­ing the indus­try to adopt more sus­tain­able farm­ing prac­tices and encour­age con­sumers to make more sus­tain­able food choices.

Become a member today

Upcoming Events

Get involved with our diverse range of events, from Education CPD events, technical farm tours to insightful online webinars.

Catch up now!

LEAF Con­fer­ence 2025: Prof­it, Risk & Transformation.

Catch up on all the action! Top indus­try thought lead­ers, aca­d­e­mics, and farm­ers share the lat­est insights into glob­al per­spec­tives around cli­mate change adap­tion, and the role of agri-tech and the finan­cial ser­vices sec­tor in cre­at­ing the enabling con­di­tions for change.

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