LEAF Conference 2025

Profit, Risk & Transformation: Global perspectives around climate change adaption, the role of agri-tech and finance to create the enabling conditions for change.

Profit, Risk & Transformation.

When: Thursday 6th February 2025

Where: BNP Paribas UK Headquarters, 10 Harewood Avenue, London, NW1 6AA

Time: 9:30 to 16:00 GMT (Arrival from 9am)

Cost: Tickets are £42 for LEAF members or £90 for general admission

LEAF Members will have received a discount code via email

Tickets are inclusive of VAT and are non-transferable

The LEAF Conference 2025 will bring together top industry thought leaders, academics and farmers to share the latest insights into the specific nature of the risks farmers are facing into – both in UK and globally, and the priorities and inevitable trade-offs they are going to have to make.

Chaired by BBC broadcaster and journalist, Tom Heap, our hybrid conference is often over-subscribed, so early booking is recommended.

Our Speakers


Dr Douglas Gurr

Dr Dou­glas Gurr

Direc­tor, The Nat­ur­al His­to­ry Museum


Sarah Bradbury

Sarah Brad­bury

CEO, The Insti­tute of Gro­cery Dis­tri­b­u­tion (IGD)


Panel One: Climate Change Adaption

Very significant global climatic changes are imminent within the next decade. Delve into the global perspectives on risk, mitigation and investment prioritisation within commercial farming systems.

Andrew Bruem

Andrew Bruem

CEO, Soil­CQuest


Andrew Francis

Andrew Fran­cis

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Home Farm


Professor Carol Wagstaff

Pro­fes­sor Car­ol Wagstaff

Asso­ciate Pro-Vice-Chan­cel­lor Research (Agri­cul­ture Food and Health), Uni­ver­si­ty of Reading


Alison Ward

Ali­son Ward

CEO, Cot­ton­Con­nect


Panel Two: Technology Transformation

Gain insights into how farmers can select the right deliverables from technology to optimise both environmental and commercial impact. What are the specific technologies that are going to have the biggest impact in the short possible amount of time?

Simon Pearson

Simon Pear­son

Pro­fes­sor of Agri-Food Tech­nol­o­gy Research, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lincoln


Phil Bicknell

Phil Bick­nell

CEO, Agritech


Liz Bowles

Liz Bowles

Chief Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, Farm Car­bon Toolkit


Nick and Lucy Tyler

Nick and Lucy Tyler

Kingsplay Farm­ing Co Ltd


Panel Three: Creating the Enabling Conditions for Change

Explore the role of the financial services sector in accelerating more regenerative global farming and food systems at pace and scale. How do we ensure all actors work together?

Grace O’Dwyer

Grace O’Dwyer

Inter­im Head of Agri­cul­tur­al Bank­ing UK, HSBC UK


Tatjana Greil-Castro

Tat­jana Greil-Castro

Muzinich & Co


Nick Evans

Nick Evans

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Oxbury Bank


Fireside Chat

Hear more about some of the significant structural challenges, complexities and opportunities associated with sector wide transition. How can industry implement the changes needed?

Jonathan Armitage

Jonathan Armitage

Head of Farm­ing and Nat­ur­al Cap­i­tal, Strutt & Parker


Diana Overton

Diana Over­ton

Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Fron­tier Agriculture


Tom Green

Tom Green

LEAF Mar­que Chairman


Watch the highlights from our 2024 conference below:

Our grateful thanks to Strutt & Parker, Oxbury Bank and Frontier for kindly supporting this event.