Promoting and supporting more sustainable farming to create a resilient food & farming system for future generations.

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LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard v17.0

Pub­lic Con­sul­ta­tion CLOS­ING SOON

Clos­es 24th May 2024

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LEAF sup­ports the indus­try to adopt more sus­tain­able farm­ing prac­tices and encour­age con­sumers to make more sus­tain­able food choices.

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Upcoming Events

Pub­lic Con­sul­ta­tion Webi­nar Series: LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard v17.0 Draft

With our pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion on the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard v17.0 Draft now open, join the LEAF Mar­que team for a series of webi­na­rs and hear detailed insights into the lat­est changes in the LEAF Mar­que Stan­dard. There is also a Ques­tion & Answer ses­sion giv­ing an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to ask ques­tions and pro­vide feed­back about the changes.

Find Out More

From Catch­ments to Land­scapes: Sus­tain­able Water Man­age­ment On-Farm

Thurs­day 25th April 2024

Join the LEAF team at Dyson Farm­ing, to dis­cov­er how farm­ers and land man­agers can best pro­tect water and improve farm resilience.

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