Speak Out Live

LEAF Speak Out Roadshow

In 2019 we ran com­mu­ni­ca­tions work­shops to stretch your per­spec­tive, sharp­en your skills and ignite your enthu­si­asm. The Speak Out road­show events were spread around the UK

Look out for more Speak Out work­shops in 2020

Testimonial: Vicky Foster - Head of BBRO

Here are some of the key points that we have tak­en away to improve our communications.

  • Under­stand the val­ue of a real­ly good wel­come and intro­duc­tion before you start. This is such an impor­tant scene set­ter and can be achieved equal­ly well whether in a room or out in the field.
  • Know the 3 take home mes­sages you want the audi­ence to leave with. Use props to help get the mes­sages across and don’t rely too heav­i­ly on slides. Sum­ma­ry sheets rather than copies of slides can have more of an impact in dri­ving mes­sages home and are use­ful ref­er­ence material.
  • How to use social media real­ly well e.g. the best use of pho­tos, links and inter­est­ing words to give it snap, crack­le and pop!
  • Don’t under­es­ti­mate the val­ue of a good lunch and a nice area to eat it in to encour­age inter­ac­tion between participants.”