Media skills matter. Making good use of radio, television and podcast opportunities means you can:
- Raise awareness of your research, story and messages
- Add your opinion or perspective on issues
- Connect with experts working in similar areas
- Reach a wide(r) audience
- Promote yourself professionally
Preparing for broadcast
Why me?
Check that you have the expertise to answer their questions. If not, suggest who else they should contact
Radio or TV?
Television interviews nearly always take longer than recordings for radio. You may need to put more thought into how you look and where you are interviewed for TV than radio
What programme and when broadcast?
You can listen/watch the programme to know their style. Broadcast time also helps you identify the audience
Who else?
Research other interviewee(s), if there are any, to learn their perspective/point(s) of view
How long will the finished piece be?
Tailor your contribution to suit: a two-minute news story or a half hour profile interview. The time available will affect how much you can say
Live interview or pre-recorded?
Live broadcast means you have more control: what you say is what is broadcast. Pre-recording allows you to correct yourself or have a second go at an answer but the edit is out of your control
What questions to expect?
Not many journalists will give you exactly the questions they will ask. For the sake of spontaneity and a true conversation they will not want you to rehearse your answers. Ask “what type of questions or topics do you want me to respond to?”
Where (do I need to be)?
Know the location, direction and time and arrive for your interview in good time. Being late will fluster you.
What can I do to shine?
Choose and prepare any props you may want to use – in the studio, out in the field or wherever. If it is a radio interview, don’t think because its just audio that props or location do not matter. With audio you need to ‘fire up’ the pictures in your listeners imaginations – props do that perfectly.

A practical guide to filming
For further information about how to record the perfect video, please use our "A Practical Guide to Filming" resource.
A practical guide to filming [.pdf, 364.76 KB]
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