After the broadcast

Once your interview has hit the airwaves, you need to consider how to broaden its reach to ensure your words reach as many people as possible. You also want to know what you could do better next time.


Ask a friend/​colleague to watch/​listen to the piece

Ask them:

  • What they thought?
  • What they remember?
  • What they are going to do differently?
  • Think about what you might do dif­fer­ent­ly in future inter­views based on this.

Extend your reach

Your inter­view will prob­a­bly be avail­able online. Think how you can sign­post more of your tar­get audi­ences to lis­ten or watch:

  • Add a link on your com­pa­ny website
  • Write a short blog on the top­ic and link to the interview
  • Tweet about it from your own/​company account with link to lis­ten or watch
  • Use clips in your pre­sen­ta­tions and talks