It is essential to prepare correctly for broadcast opportunities
Here we look at some key things to remember when you are being interviewed for radio or television.
Once your interview has hit the airwaves, you need to consider how to broaden its reach to ensure your words reach as many people as possible. You also want to know what you could do better next time.
You may be asked some tricky questions that ordinarily you might wish to avoid, however, to retain the trust and confidence of your audience, you need to be prepared to answer these questions. Prepare yourself so that you can provide concise, confident and carefully considered answers should this occur.
Breaking bad news is never easy. Being equipped with the right techniques can help you do it sensitively, with care and empathy.
Audio is an excellent way of communicating with your audience. Many people now listen to podcast as it is a great way for people to catch up on the latest news at a time that suits them and whilst they are carrying out other jobs.
A badly handled crisis is one of the greatest risks to any organisation’s reputation. While crises can’t always be avoided, they can be managed – for better or for worse. A good crisis plan, thoughtfully prepared and skilfully executed, can stop a crisis becoming a catastrophe.